Friday, June 21, 2013

RAINFOREST Yr 7 part 1

Rainforests are the most biologically diverse ecosystems on our planet.

Rainforests are important in maintaining global air quality. 

They contain more than 50 per cent of the world’s living things and much of the fresh water.

The 300 million people who inhabit rainforests are highly adapted to their environment. 

The impact of human activities on the rainforest is increasing due to population expansion and theoveruse of resources, highlighting the need for sustainable management of the rainforest environment

The rainforest environment covers about 6 per cent of the Earth’s surface, although this used to be over 14 per cent.


a.  What does "biologically diverse" mean? 

NOTE: not all rainforests are tropical, there are also TEMPERATE RAINFORESTS. 

Tropical rainforests are named this way because they grow between the Tropics of Capricorn and Cancer.

They are also known as equatorial rainforests as they are close to the Equator

Tropical rainforests have a hot and wet climate all year.

QUESTIONS: answer them in the comments. 

1.  What is the latitude of the Tropic of Cancer?
2.  What is the latitude of the Tropic of Capricorn?
3.  What is the latitude of the Equator?

4.  What is another word for precipitation?

5.  What is the average temperature in July?
6.  What is the average temperature in May?
7.  What is the average temperature in October?

8. What is the average rainfall in June?
9. What is the average rainfall in May?

10. What does mm (to describe the amount of rainfall) mean?


  1. My answer to Question (a)

    Qa. Biologically diverse

    Biology means the study of living organisms (plants, animals, microorganisms).
    Diverse means very different or much variety.
    SO "Rainforests are the most biologically diverse ecosystems" means that there are more DIFFERENT living organisms and MORE variety in rainforest ecosystems than anywhere else.

  2. ANSWERS to more questions

    1. 23 1/2 degrees North
    2. 23 1/2 degrees South
    3. 0 degrees
    4. Rainfall means precipitation
    5. 28 degrees C
    6. 28 degrees C
    7. 28 degrees C
    8. 680 mm
    9. 690 mm
    10. milimitres
